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최영삼 차관보, 필리핀 독립기념일 125주년 리셉션 축사


Congratulatory Remarks by H.E. Choi Youngsam
Deputy Minister for Political Affairs,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At the Reception in Commemoration of the 
125th Anniversary of 

the Philippines Independence Day

8 June 2023

Your Excellency, Ambassador Maria Theresa Dizon-De Vega 

Distinguished guests, 

Ladies and gentlemen,

Magandang gabi, Good evening.

It is a great pleasure to join you all in celebrating 

the 125th Independence Day of the Republic of the Philippines. 

On behalf of the people and the government of the Republic of Korea, 

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations 

to the people and the government of the Philippines. 

Also, I wish to express my sincere thanks to your Excellency, 

Ambassador De Vega 

for your outstanding work in bringing 

the people of our two nations closer together.

Recently, I have read newspaper articles in which you introduced 

the Philippines’ food to the Korean audience- the “Kain Tayo” event.

Madam Ambassador, 

you have captured so many Korean hearts 

with your gastro-diplomacy! 

Excellencies and distinguished guests,

Our two countries are blessed with 

70-plus years of close and substantial partnership.

During hardships like the Korean War and the COVID-19 pandemic 

we have helped and supported each other as “Friends in need.”

And, since our two presidents took office last year, 

we are witnessing a new surge, a renewed momentum in our relations.  


Among others, we have witnessed vibrant high level-exchanges.

Our two presidents had a successful meeting last November, 

followed by former President Gloria Arroyo’s visit 

to Korea in this March; 

And, last week, House Speaker Martin Romualdez 

was in Korea.

Our bilateral trade volume have reached 

a record high last year with nearly 18 billion USD.  

Last quarter, Koreans claimed 

the top of the list of international visitors to the Philippines.

Colleagues and friends,

I can go on and on about the Korea-Philippines relations,

but I must stop here,

because delicious Philippine food is just waiting for you 

and I know how painful it will be if my speech gets longer!

Once again, I congratulate you 

on the 125th anniversary of the Philippines’ independence

and hope for a lasting friendship between our two great nations.

Thank you very much.   /End/

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